Stats -

Team     ↻ Player   Value↺ Player   Value   LSD Total 
Germany     SUTOR M 15.4 cmGREINDL D 37.5 cm 52.9 cm 
Canada     HARNDEN E 10.4 cmNICHOLS M 7.6 cm 18.0 cm*


Team    #  Draw      #Take-Out      #
Germany50 84 %22 84 %72 84 %
Canada30 89 %42 93 %72 91 %


TeamPosition     Player    #  Draw      #Take-Out      #  Total
Germany     SkipTOTZEK Sixten     10 88 %8 78 %18 83 %
Canada     SkipGUSHUE Brad     4 81 %14 98 %18 94 %
Germany     Vice-SkipHARSCH Klaudius     10 70 %8 84 %18 76 %
Canada     Vice-SkipNICHOLS Mark     6 88 %12 90 %18 89 %
Germany     SecondMUSKATEWITZ Marc     2100 %0 - %2100 %
Canada     SecondHARNDEN E.J.     4 94 %14 89 %18 90 %
Germany     LeadGREINDL Dominik     17 96 %1100 %18 96 %
Canada     LeadWALKER Geoff     16 91 %2100 %18 92 %
Germany     AlternateSUTOR Magnus     11 73 %5 90 %16 78 %
Canada     AlternateHARNDEN Ryan     0 - %0 - %0 - %


MUSKATEWITZ M replaced SUTOR M at the beginning of end 9

